Breaking of Bread : a contemplative service focusing on who Jesus is and what he has accomplished and is yet to accomplish through His death on the cross, burial and resurrection, culminating in remembering Him in Breaking Bread and Sharing the Cup.
Family Bible Hour : a time where the whole family focuses on the Word of God. Beginning together in singing Traditional Hymns and Contemporary Christian Songs and reading the Word, then the children are dismissed to Sunday School, while the adults are challenge from the Word of God.
Sunday School : a time where the children spend time on activities aimed at their age level to help them understand more of God and His Word and how it applies in their lives. This may include more singing, crafts, Bible Stories and other activities.
Small Group Meeting : a time where we delve in depth into the Word of God, as well as minister and support one another.
Men’s Meeting : a time where the men of the assembly gather around breakfast, usually bagels and coffee, and share their concerns. This leads to seeing how what the Bible teaches fits back into our daily lives and concerns.
Hymn Sing : a time of acapella singing of hymns, usually 15 or more.
Here’s a brief video introducing the New Testament way of gathering together unto God!
These are some key points to consider:
1. Acts 20:7 – “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread . . .” Here clearly you see the very reason why the early church came together the first day of the week. It was not to pray, preach, sing, dance, play their harps and beat on their drums. It was to “Break Bread”!
2. I Cor 14:26 In KJV it reads “How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, . . .” Let’s try and see it what’s the real message in here. What this verse actually means: “So here’s what I want you to do. When you gather for worship, each one of you be prepared with something that will be useful for all: Sing a hymn, teach a lesson, tell a story, lead a prayer, provide an insight.” You see? It is not one man leading the songs, it is not one man teaching all the time, it is not one man praying all the time. It is a combined effort to Worship the Lord and edify the Church.
So here’s the rundown: A true Sunday worship meeting will focus on the Breaking of Bread (Communion). The baptized believers who are in fellowship can participate in the open time of worship with a Psalm; a prayer; a relevant Bible reading; or a congregational hymn to be sung. Scriptures teach that the men should lead vocally. 1 Timothy 2:8, 11; 1 Corinthians 14:34.”